Dental Crowns in Walnut Creek, CA

Dental Crowns in Walnut Creek, CA

A crown is a permanent covering that fits over a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed, helping to restore the tooth’s strength, shape, and size and improve its appearance. A crown covers the entire surface of the affected tooth, unlike a filling that only restores a portion. Crowns are typically bonded to teeth using dental cement. 

Like veneers, crowns can be made from resin composite materials or porcelain. Porcelain is much more durable and stain resistant than resin, which tends to wear down over time. Once cemented in place, crowns are virtually indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Enhance Appearance

First and foremost, a dental crown improves the appearance of the tooth it covers. This is especially beneficial if the damaged tooth is visible when you smile. Crowns can make you feel confident when showing your smile again!

Protect Weak or Broken Teeth

When you have a damaged or broken tooth, it’s more vulnerable to further damage. You may also experience pain due to the nerves inside your tooth being exposed. Covering the tooth with a crown will help prevent these issues while restoring the tooth’s functionality.

Cover Minor Flaws 

Sometimes a tooth can be slightly misaligned or spaced too far apart from another tooth and this affects the overall aesthetic of your smile. A dental crown covers the entire visible surface of the affected tooth and can correct its shape and size, giving you a beautiful, uniform smile.

The Procedure for Dental Crowns

At the first appointment, our dentist will prepare the tooth for the crown and take an impression to send to the lab where the permanent crown will be fabricated. This impression will also be used to create the temporary crown you will wear until the permanent one arrives. 

During your second visit, the permanent crown will be carefully placed to ensure accurate spacing and comfort when you bite. Our dentist will cement the crown to ensure it stays in place. If the fit is too tight or too loose, our dental team can make the necessary adjustments. 

Permanent crowns can last more than fifteen years with proper care and good oral hygiene habits. Brushing your teeth daily and flossing regularly to avoid decay around the crown is essential. Also avoid eating hard foods that can crack or fracture your crown. Proper care and maintenance can prevent the need for replacement crowns for many years. 

If you have a damaged, broken, or misshapen tooth and want to restore it with a crown, visit California Center for Laser Dentistry at 1844 San Miguel Dr #106, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, or call (925) 939-3997 to schedule your appointment.


Contact Us

1844 San Miguel Dr #106,
Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Phone: (925) 939-3997

Working Hours

MON11:00 am-7:00 pm

TUE9:00 am-5:00 pm

WED11:00 am-7:00 pm

THU9:00 am-5:00 pm

FRI - SAT1:00 pm-4:00 pm
